Have you ever forgotte where your belongings are? Have experiences in searching for your items in the garage for hours?
My Thangs will help you save your time. Take a photo, describe what it is, where it is, and save it!
My Thangs allows you to enter the following data:
• Photo
• Title
• Quantity
• Tag
• Location
Optional types of data:
• Favorite
• Description - good for writing how to find the item in detail.
There are 4 main parts as tabs in My Thangs.
• Items tab lets you directly edit its quantity, favorite status, and delete. You can also search items in this tab.
• Tags tab organizes your items by its tag you enter when adding an item.
• Location tab sorts your items by its location you enter when adding an item.
• Settings tab contains Acknowledgements, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Log Out button, About page, and Delete Account page.
You can sort items in the following criteria:
• Quantity: High to Low, Low to High
• Title: A-Z, Z-A
• Recency: Newest, Oldest
• Favorites Only